Guided Hypnotherapy - Information Overview

Our mind is a complex phenomena that has been debated and discussed by philosophers, scientists, spiritualists, and cultures across the globe. By working with clients using hypnosis and past life regression, it is evident how profound our psyche, personal potential, and abilities are to heal, awaken, and connect with deeper parts of our well-being and the spirit world.


How can guided hypnosis assist you on your life and soulful journey? 

Depending on the guided hypnotherapy option you choose, undoubtedly you are tending to a deeper part of yourself, often a part that needs to be acknowledged, healed, transformed or understood more clearly. 

Hypnosis will not change your life...the change arises when you gift yourself the opportunity to be completely present in the moment and allow yourself to completely drift into a deeply relaxed, grounded, and transpersonal space.

When this shift in your body, mind and spirit takes place, you are allowing yourself to drop any internal blocks, stagnancy, and distractions that limit your personal potential, happiness, authenticity, and ability to heal, grow, and ascend.

Just like with past life regression or meditative visions, you already hold the ability to connect with your spiritual energy, psychic gifts and spiritual guardians, but the stressors of daily life and "western way of living" consequently blocks many people from channeling their gifts and authentic self.

In addition, our busy life (feeling we need to uphold societal expectations, pressure from relationships, career, study, family, finances, health ailments, the rising cost of living, political and cultural injustices etc.,) ultimately distracts us, negatively impacts our well-being, and makes it difficult to reach a deep level of relaxation, clear our mind, and let go of stress and worry. 

This is why guided hypnotherapy is a key asset to enhance mindfulness and spiritual connection, and decrease and release burdens, heaviness, anxiety, and blocked energy from your well-being on all levels. 

Common FAQ: 
Q. Can everyone be hypnotised? What happens if I cannot be hypnotised?

Research conducted over the years has concluded 90-95% of people can be hypnotised to varying degrees. The degree of hypnosis an individual can experience depends on various factors e.g., psychological, psychosocial, emotional, and physical conditions.

The estimated 5-10% of people that cannot be hypnotised is a result of certain psychological conditions including Bipolar Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Manic Disorder, Schizophrenia Disorder etc., and subconscious defences mechanisms (internal blocks) that stem from trauma, trust issues, cultural and religious beliefs, and so on.

While highly successful, proven, cutting-edge techniques are utilized during your hypnosis session and past life regression session, no guarantee of any kind whatsoever is implied, promised, or bestowed, and no refund will be given in the case of an unsuccessful hypnotherapy or past life regression session.

It is important to understand that hypnosis and past life regression outcomes will differ in outcomes for each individual, and for some 2-3 sessions may be required to induce a deep state of hypnosis as therapeutic relationship develops, your feelings of safety increase, and your subconscious blocks begin to lower.

Yet for others (95% of my clients) 1 session will invoke a powerful hypnosis experience!

Q. I don’t think I can be hypnotised and what if I fall asleep?

Hypnosis is not meditation therefore, you will not fall asleep because you remain consciously and instinctively alert and aware of your surrounds. In a hypnotic state you are being guided with specific instructions whether it is for a past life regression session or hypnotherapy session, and will often be asked to answer questions, describe what you are seeing, what is holding you back in life etc.,

If you convince yourself (plant the seed in your mind) that you cannot be hypnotised, doubt the entire process of hypnosis, and continually question whether what you are seeing is real or accurate during a past life regression session, then I almost guarantee you will have a disappointing and unsuccessful hypnotic or regression experience. Remember, your mind is extremely powerful and has the potential to block you completely from trusting the process and immersing yourself fully in the experience if you allow it to.