Akashic Soul Record Overview
Your soul is your greatest source of guidance, wisdom and white light energy. When you embark on a journey of delving into your deepest and sacred akashic records, you open the metaphoric door to self-discovering, healing and clarity.
There are countless phrases used to describe the "akashic records." You may encounter the terms soul record, past life wisdom, higher knowing etc., There is no right or wrong answer, rather it's a metaphor used to try and capture the sacred essence and wisdom our soul carries within it!
Akashic soul record readings are a transcendental and powerful way to access knowledge from our spirit guides, psyche and past life memories. We may notice glimpses of our akashic record when we dream, experience feelings of deja vu, synchronicity, or when we're channeling our spirit guides.
However, such experiences may be challenging for some people to tap into, especially when our minds are busy, stressed out, our bodies are tired, chakras blocked, and stagnant energy flows within our life and well-being.
This is why, akashic readings are truly beautiful because it allows me (the practitioner) to facilitate the session for you. My spiritual gift is "channeling" and I do this through automatic writing/spirit writing where your spirit guides and energy relay messages onto me, and I pass this onto you.
So what are you waiting for lovely soul, there is no better time to access ancient wisdom, memories, and guidance that has the potential to change your life, self-awareness and spiritual growth in the most beneficial and potent of ways...