Q. How do I contact you?

My contact number: 61 499900659

My email address: contactotherworldlycounselling@gmail.com

Facebook business page: Tarot Taylar

Instagram business page: finding_nirvana_poetry

Q. Do you offer Medicare Rebates or Afterpay?

Yes I offer Afterpay! I don't however offer Medicare rebates as I provide ongoing affordable services with no price increases. The cost of services have been carefully chosen based on my passion of providing flexible session times and low-cost therapeutic treatments, whilst ensuring I can cover my living & business expenses. 

Q. How does your refund system work?

Tarot reading & akashic record reading services - non-refundable. 

Psychotherapy counselling + Hypnotherapy + Past Life Regression services -

You have up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time to “cancel or reschedule” the appointment otherwise Otherworldly Counselling and Past Life Regression reserve the legal right to refund the cardholder 50% of the total session cost, as stated and signed in your legal client consent waiver.

You have the opportunity to reschedule your appointment a maximum of 2 times. 

If you choose to cancel your appointment (whether it’s 24hrs or several days before your appointment) a 15% cancellation fee will automatically be deducted from the total refund amount. On Shopify, the business owner is charged a 15% restocking fee on all refunds.

If you fail to attend your session whether in-person or online, you will automatically forfeit 100% of the session/service cost.

Q. Can I book a session or reading if I live in another country? 

Yes absolutely! I’ve worked with clients based in Australia, China, Philippines, Cambodia, United Kingdom and USA. I'm from Australia but I'm currently living in Scotland and simply factor in the time zone difference when scheduling your session.  

Q. You don't look like a traditional therapist, what are your qualifications?

When you compare my free-spirited tattooed appearance to traditional psychoanalysts and psychologists, no doubt there will be a difference! But my tattoos and style are a reflection of my life journey, spiritual and cultural beliefs. 

I have a Bachelor's degree in Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling with a Distinction-grade average. In addition, I have several years of experience in spiritual and emotional counselling coaching, and hold various qualifications in hypnotherapy, disability support care, and past life regression therapy.

Q. Is everyone the right candidate for hypnosis and past life regression therapy? 

If you have Bipolar Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Manic Disorder, Schizophrenia Disorder, Psychosis or try to attend your session under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you are not the right candidate for hypnosis and past life regression due to the impairment of psychological functioning.

If you have following the psychological conditions outlined and wish to receive a services, please reach out to your psychiatrist and ask for written confirmation that past life regression/hypnosis is safe for you to undertake. Upon receiving written consent from your leading mental health practitioner, I will happily discuss your options. 

Q. Is hypnosis like mind control? Will you make me cluck like a chicken?

Definitely not! Hypnosis will not force you to reveal any deep secrets you may be keeping nor make you embarrass yourself in anyway shape or form. Most importantly, hypnosis cannot make you believe, say, or do anything that goes beyond your moral compass, boundaries, and belief systems.

For example: I cannot hypnotise you to change your religious beliefs or commit a crime.

Hollywood and talent shows are often to blame for the misconstrued comical and sinister light that is cast on hypnosis. Hypnosis is a purposeful set of suggestions and instructions that are designed to bypass the logical ‘conscious’ mind and speak directly the ‘subconscious and unconscious’ mind where memories, universal archetypes, and patterns of thoughts and behaviours are stored.

Q. How do I know if I’m making it up during my past life regression? Will you influence what I see, or use leading verbal ques?

When you enter into a deep hypnotic state, it is almost impossible to conjure an entire ‘past life story’ in your mind with specific details including who, what, when, why, and how. Think of it like this, you cannot force yourself to dream of something and control what happens in the dream narrative (unless you can lucid dream), and past life regression works very similar to this process. The main difference being that as your therapist, I ask open-ended questions and guide you through the process using purposeful instruction from the beginning to end of your past life regression or hypnotherapy session.

In past life regression sessions, I cannot influence what you see or experience when recalling memories nor do I make suggestions or use leading verbal ques. However, during a guided hypnosis session a specific intent and therapeutic purpose is agreed upon between us e.g., reduce anxiety, easing stress, connecting with spirit, increasing self-esteem etc., a tailored hypnotic script is used to improve your daily functioning and to address your primary concern.

Essentially, my role as your therapist is to create an authentic therapeutic experience using highly effective hypnotic techniques so you have a successful hypnosis or regression session!

Q. Will my past life regression or hypnotherapy session be recorded and if so, do you own the footage? 

On your “Client Consent Form” for Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy, I clearly outline the client consent waiver, legal release, medical release, and electronic and case study permission, so please read this before booking a session. 

During a past life regression 1:1 in-person session and past life regression group in-person and online sessions, I may record snippets of the session for commercial use e.g., uploading the audio or video recording on my website, social media platforms, etc.,

In regard to sharing the details from your past life regression, as stated in the client consent form, I own the audio, written, and video recordings from your session and hold the right to its distribution. I will always uphold a strict level of client confidentiality and will never share any identifying information (you are blurred out completely) that is my duty of care and promise to you.

Q. Do you offer psychological assessments and formal psychological diagnosis? 

If you are seeking a psychological assessment or support for complex trauma or severe psychological disorders, I cannot provide these services to you at this time. As a psychotherapist I am solely trained to make “informal” diagnoses in accordance to the DSM5 criteria and recommend reaching out to your local healthcare provider for a psychiatric referral and ongoing support.